Techie Trendsetter
Techie Trendsetters naturally gravitate towards adopting the newest cutting-edge aesthetics and trends, seamlessly blending the latest designs into their own creations.
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Techie Trendsetters are likely…
With a sharp eye for the latest and greatest in design evolution, you're often the first to introduce the newest colors, designs, and patterns to your audience. But remember, while trends are fleeting, true brand identity stands the test of time.
As a Techie Trendsetter, it’s essential for you to recognize the balance between trendy and timeless. As mesmerizing as the newest gradient or typeface can be, the foundation of your brand should be built on colors and designs that don’t fade away as trends do. Ask yourself, will your branding withstand the test of time, or will it look outdated in a few short years? Does your brand scream 2023 or does it hold a timeless quality?
It's tempting to continually revamp, especially when a new trend calls. But consider this: Trends should be an accent to your brand, not the entire foundation of it.
Want to evolve while maintaining a lasting brand impression? Here are some strategies:
Core Colors: Choose 2-3 primary brand colors that are timeless and resonate with your brand's voice. Use trends as secondary or accent colors that can be rotated out without affecting the core of your brand.
Signature Style: While it’s great to incorporate modern design elements, always have a signature element that remains consistent, making your brand recognizable at a glance.
Diversify Inspiration: Step outside the design world for organic inspiration. How about taking a cue from nature, historical art movements, or even music genres?
Check out my list of resources for Techie Trendsetters!
Read the article, "How Technology is Changing the Future of Art: How Artists Can Successfully Adapt" here.
Enroll in the “Branding for Business” course to receive guidance on creating a branding style with longevity. As a token of appreciation, use the code: BRANDING50 to receive a special discount!