Thoughtful Creative
Thoughtful Creatives tend to desire for their work to have deep meaning and have high standards for their success.
Your type is…
Thoughtful Creatives are likely…
Thoughtful Creatives have a strong sense of self and understand the importance of a cohesive body of work.
Dedicated and detail-oriented, Thoughtful Creatives have a vision for their future. They are often are business-minded and understanding what is important for commercial success. They sometimes struggle with decision making or producing work that feels authentic due to their perfectionist tendencies.
If you tend to worry about making money or the opinions of others, it might be time to redirect your attention away from producing work and towards joy. Try to release some of the pressure you have put on yourself and focus on a joyful daily practice.
What could you do to take some of the pressure off of yourself and reinvigorate joy? Can you take a class that’s a little outside of your comfort zone? Reach out to a mentor? Reconnect with what inspired your work in the first place?
Check out my list of resources for Thoughtful Creatives!
Read the blog post, “How To Create a Joyful Practice Through Rituals” here.
My guide, “The Five Stages of Defining Your Artistic Voice,” here.
Share your result to your Instagram story and tag me @jenraystudio: