How To Find Inspiration For Your Art Practice

I can’t wait to share with you some techniques for finding inspiration in your art practice.

As artists it is easy for us to get focused on the technical side of our work and forget to expand our subject matter. Staying too focused on the technical side can look like taking lots of classes to improve our output or creating the same subject matter over and over again. Or it can even manifest as procrastination because if we aren’t inspired to create, it is hard to get motivated.

Here are some strategies to stay inspired:

  • Go to a local cafe or shop and sketch your environment

  • Create a mood board of the things you like. For instance, add a travel destination, a favorite pattern, a handwritten note or a whimsical illustration.

  • Make a list of your favorite subjects to draw, paint or create and try one.

  • Fill three jars with papers that have at least 30 ideas per jar. Each jar has one of the following: Subject, Medium, Color. You can pick a paper from each and start a new piece. So for instance, Tea Pot, Pencil, Blue. 

  • Take the alphabet and choose a subject that starts with each letter. If you like to draw flowers, animals, food, people or objects this can give you lots of inspiration.

  • Use a sketchbook to try new ideas and make mistakes. 

I hope this helps. Tag me on Instagram @jenraystudio to show me your inspiration.


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