Jennifer Ray Art

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Ways to Define Your Artistic Style

There is a lot of talk in the online artistic space about having an artistic voice and fitting into a particular style. And while an artist or designer doesn’t have to commit to one particular look, having a style that is recognizable can set you apart from the competition. But how do you do that? How do you honor your love for multiple mediums or subject matter and still have a unique look?

I am an artist who works with multiple subjects and mediums but I have a thru line to all my work. My work typically has a lot of detail and botanical elements whether it is nature alone or in combination with female subjects and animals. So ask yourself, what can I focus on that I feel passionate about? Here are some things to consider:

  • What themes do you want to explore? 

  • What colors are you drawn to?

  • What subjects fascinate you?

  • What is a technique you could use in your work to set you apart from others?

  • What do you want your audience to experience when they see your work?

  • At what scale do you like to work? Large, medium or small?

  • What feels like it reflects who you truly are or want to be perceived by others?

Keep a sketchbook of ideas and only create those that feel fully aligned with you! That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experiment and try new things, it just means that when you start a new collection of work that you chose a theme and subject matter that lights you up! To learn more about the stages of evolving your artistic voice, get my guide: The Five Stages of Defining Your Artistic Voice